Kat Novotna

Forest Therapy Guide, Founder of Way Back Home and EcoNIDRA™, Presence & Self-Care Mentor and Kintsugi artist.

"If you're realizing that you're too far from home (your inner nature), don't look any further. Kat is an unusually beautiful soul who is deeply connected to nature and has a wisdom beyond her years. She lives what she offers. I had one conversation with her and had surprising insights." - K.G. Johnston, author of The Way of Effortless Leadership

Kat's passion and mission Kat's passion and mission are

to spread awareness about Nature Connection as a tool to improve people's mental, emotional and physical well-being. By slowing down and truly connecting, people remember their deep relation with the rest of nature. Matching our heartbeat to the beat of the planet can change the world.

As a certified Forest Therapy Guide, Kat has guided more than 420 groups of people in both private and corporate settings. As a former Forest Therapy trainer (ANFT) and EcoNIDRA founder, she trained about 230 Forest Therapy guides and 140 EcoNIDRA teachers to spread this connective work even more. As a Chair of the European Council of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, Kat has worked for several years to nourish the community of European Forest Therapy guides.

Kat has received training and certifications in Forest Therapy (ANFT), Council Facilitation (The Center for Council Training Israel and California), Teacher of Presence (Eckart Tolle Teachings), Holistic Nutrition and Dynamic Eating Psychology (IPE), Yoga Nidra (Arhanta Yoga Ashram), Language and Intercultural Communication (VU and Charles University Prague), and has twenty years of experience in adult education, transformational trainings, and community building.

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama